Monday, May 21, 2018

This Week's Assignment

Hello, all:
For this week's assignment, we will be dropping files into a shared folder so that we can listen during section. Here is a link to the folder:

Field Recording Submission Folder

On Thursday morning, I'll download everything in this folder so that we can listen to each one. You will only need to submit one file, 15 seconds to 1 minute long. To make sure we don't create a chaotic mess, please name your audio files like this: lastname_firstname_4D. For example, my file would be: jennings_colleen_4D.mp3

Let me know if you have any further questions!

Arboretum Field Trip

Hello, all:
Instead of attending lab tomorrow, I have decided that we should attend a sound piece on campus. This piece is at the UCSC Arboretum between the base and upper campus. The piece, Forest (for a Thousand Years...), is an audio installation created by Janet Cardiff and George Bures Miller that was featured at dOCUMENTA 13 in Germany. As we are studying audio and soundscapes this week, it seems like a good reason to attend and also check out the other features offered by the arboretum.

The Forest opens at noon and stays open until 5PM. I will be in attendance from 11:30-2PM tomorrow. If you are not able to attend during this time because of a conflict, you can go another time this week. While there, be sure to check in with me (or take photos and email them) to get credit for attending. To be clear, we are not meeting at 9am or 11am in the Porter computer lab. If you have any questions or need additional help with this week's project, please let me know! Here are directions.

I look forward to seeing all of you there!

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Week 6-7! Body Politic and Activism

Welcome all to Week 7! Because of the strikes last week, a lot of our scheduling has shifted around and we are working toward submitting our fifth project on Thursday: the text project.

The text project: Create a text and image paper animation from a recent newspaper or magazine. Use material that speaks to the conditions of your community (Due Thursday).

We spent the weekend gathering up materials for this project, including magazines, newspapers, pamphlets, etc. and cutting them up/scanning/playing with arrangements in class today.

For inspiration, we had a look at work by early Dada collage artist Hannah Hoch, postmodern feminist artist Barbara Kruger, neon sculpture artist Bruce Nauman, and the LED and projected texts of Jenny Holzer.

We also looked at several examples of kinetic typography for inspiration:

We did a short tutorial on creating transparent backgrounds in Photoshop and using keyframes in iMovie (see below the cut).

Readings due by Thursday:

Friday, May 4, 2018

Processing Sketch!

As promised, here is a zip file containing the Processing sketch that I created for us to experiment with. You should change the sketch as needed and experiment (it's also on Canvas)! I've also included the code underneath the cut!

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Body Time - EXTRA

I just finished watching this incredible film from 1975: Organism. The film draws comparisons between macro and micro systems of organization. It seems an appropriate topic for this week's discussion of body time. Check it out!