Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Week 6-7! Body Politic and Activism

Welcome all to Week 7! Because of the strikes last week, a lot of our scheduling has shifted around and we are working toward submitting our fifth project on Thursday: the text project.

The text project: Create a text and image paper animation from a recent newspaper or magazine. Use material that speaks to the conditions of your community (Due Thursday).

We spent the weekend gathering up materials for this project, including magazines, newspapers, pamphlets, etc. and cutting them up/scanning/playing with arrangements in class today.

For inspiration, we had a look at work by early Dada collage artist Hannah Hoch, postmodern feminist artist Barbara Kruger, neon sculpture artist Bruce Nauman, and the LED and projected texts of Jenny Holzer.

We also looked at several examples of kinetic typography for inspiration:

We did a short tutorial on creating transparent backgrounds in Photoshop and using keyframes in iMovie (see below the cut).

Readings due by Thursday:

Creating transparent backgrounds in Photoshop

Using keyframes in iMovie

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