Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Final Week of 4D Foundations!

Nearly done! I wanted to make sure to post all the information we would need for our last week of the quarter. As always, if you have any other questions, please let me know!

    • This week, students have one more work day (Tuesday), two lectures (Tuesday and Thursday), and a final critique day (Thursday). Attendance is required for lectures and Thursday's final crit (think of this as your final exam!)
    • On Friday, we have Open Studios in Baskin Arts from 12-4pm. Your TAs will be setting up all video work for display that day. If your final project requires anything outside of a computer monitor, you must let us know soon! Attendance at Open Studios is required unless prior arrangements have been made.
    • This class does not meet again after Open Studios (6/8).

    • During Thursday's section, we will be critiquing your final projects as a class to finish up the quarter. You must have your projects completed and uploaded to your blogs before section to be considered 'On Time'. The final project is your course final and worth 20% of your grade.
    • Final projects will be displayed during Open Studios. On Thursday, we will be making a playlist of projects from YouTube.
    • Any late or missing work must be turned in by Friday to receive credit. You can always email and ask if you are missing any assignments.

    • During finals week, I will be grading your final projects for the course. You will receive email feedback on your project as well as a final grade for the course during that week.
Don't sweat it! I have faith in all of you and can't wait to see your final pieces!

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