Thursday, April 26, 2018

End of Weeeeek 4 and Performance/Duration Time

This week, we focused on performance and duration as embodied time, using our own bodies to create the art. Our current project (due by Tuesday morning) is a self-actualized performance.

In section we looked at an endurance performance artist named Cassils, whose work is centralized around the body and gender. As a non-binary artist, Cassils is focused on shaping, distorting, and performing the body to extremes (also mentioned in last week's section):
Becoming An Image, Cassils

We have a group of readings/reading presenters for next week:
  • 10 Radical Women Video Artists (Found here), Presenter: Bryan
  • A Brief History of Women in Video Art (Found here), Presenter: Amber
  • In Defense of Performance Art (Found here), Presenter: Sunny
  • Zinesters, Ch. 4: Changing the Game, Presenter: Josefina

Only one week away from MidQuarter!

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