Tuesday, April 17, 2018

First Assignment Due! Beginning of Week 3~

We are wrapping up our Week 2 Assignment on Time & Motion with a short in-class critique! We will form small crit groups. Each group will discuss everyone's assignment, then select a representative juror to walk around the room and select an artwork. Selected artworks are discussed by the entire section.

Featured Artworks:

Then, we have reading presentations from students on last week's readings: Busting the Tube; A Brief History of Video Art by Kate Horsfield and Chapter 2 of Rise of the Video Game Zinesters with Anna Anthropy.

As a group, we discussed the important of Marshall McLuhan's thoughts on media as extension of the body and mind, the history of video art, and the effects of widespread access to information and media. Our response to Chapter 2 of Rise of the Video Game Zinesters was a discussion of the history of games. Although not all of us have a history with video games, we are interested in games that give us different experiences and representations than we are used to.

Just as a reminder: Rise of the Video Game Zinesters is required reading for this course and you will have to purchase or rent the book for the remainder of the readings!

The theme of Week 3 is Narrative/Non-Narrative Time

Assignment: Using found material from Archive.org create a short video on a theme developed in section. Use the theme as a search term for the archive.

As a group, we have discussed and decided our theme for this assignment: opposites. We wrote several words that expressed our actions (with daily actions and longer actions): Eating/Drinking, Working, Searching, Walking, and Writing.
And emotions: Blissful, Flabbergasted/Overwhelmed, Curious, Ambitious, Relaxed

We decided that our actions are divided into two groups--daily rituals and long term actions--and our two emotional states--blissful/relaxed and overwhelmed/anxious

Using this theme, we will begin working on Assignment #2 (DUE April 24th @ 9AM)

  • The History of Early Cinema (Found Here)
    • Presenter: Loey
  • Rise of The Video Game Zinesters, Chpt 3: What is it Good For?
    • Presenter: Palmer

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