Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Week 4 - Duration Performance!

Moving on from last week's found footage project, we concluded with a group exercise in giving feedback. The assignments looked incredible! Everyone seemed to really enjoy concentrating on intensity of sound, video, and mood. We also had reading presentations from the History of Early Cinema and Ch. 4 of Video Game Zinesters.

This week's focus is Body Time. Individual bodies experience time in different ways. The goal of our next assignment is create a performance that explores time as it relates to our bodies. The length of the performance will determine the length of the video. 

In lecture and readings this week, we will be exploring performance art as a time-based medium. Performance Art began during the 1960's in an attempt to break away from conventionally accepted art forms. Whether performances were staged live, recorded, or mixed with video software, many artists focused on the body as the means to create their work. 

Readers/Readings for next week:
  • 10 Radical Women Video Artists (Bryan)
  • A Brief History of Women in Video Art (Amber)
  • In Defense of Performance Art (Sunny)
  • Zinesters, Chapter 4: Changing the Game (Josefina)

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